Why Modus Ladder

Purchase a Modum Ladder for Your Home and Family

Are you in the majority of people who feel, a fire won’t happen to me? Most of us are. We always feel it will be somebody else. Until fire strikes and then we say, “I should have….” A fire security ladder.

About Us

A fire security ladder, it's an investment for life — your life!

Modum Team

What alternative do you, your children and those around you have?

  • Jump?
  • A wobbly rope or chain ladder?
  • Hope your local Fire Department can get there on time to save you?
A brick building with a emergency fire escape ladder
Fire Escape Ladder At Your Fingertips

Advantages of a Fire Escape Ladder

Putting on a safety belt with a glider lock, opening a window, pulling a pin, and stepping out on to a solid escape ladder?

Can be painted to blend in with your home, making it nearly invisible on the wall.

It can only be opened from each floor above the ground. Making it burglar and tamper resistant.

Made of high quality anodized aluminum and stainless steel with a full 5-year warranty.

Easy to install and cost effective.

It’s only about 2″ x 3″ when closed. Like a drain pipe.

Comes in 10 standard sections that can be combined to fit any height.

Gives you peace of mind and an alternative means of escape.

The Modum Ladder Is Your Best Choice.

With the simple pull of the release pin the ladder opens and you can exit the window or balcony safely. Further assurance for a safe egress is possible with the wearing of the Modum safety belt. If you slip off the ladder rungs, the safety belt glider lock prevents you from falling. Also, the fire department can use the open ladder to assist you and get into the house to fight the fire.

The Modum ladder is ready for service in all kinds of weather and is burglar resistant since it can’t be opened from the bottom unless you want the key option for bottom or top release.

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The Modum ladder can provide the assurance of a safe egress for all.

Modum Team

It's an investment for life - your life!

Contact us for more information. Request a FREE quote

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